Monday, February 2, 2009

Ya me voy!!

Hola todos!

I am going to be away from my computer for basically the next month because I will be traveling around southern Chile and then Argentina and Uruguay.  Here's the plan (and then i'll report back in march about what REALLY ended up happening :P):

Southern Chile
-traveling with: Caitlin C., Amanda W., and Liz O.
-traveling from Feb 2 to Feb 19

Argentina and Uruguay
-traveling with: Caitlin R., Anna T., Evelyn A., and Stefani E. 
-traveling from Feb 21 to Mar 1

I tried to post the details for my trip to southern Chile but i don't think it worked so if you're interested, i posted a note on facebook with the info...

Pues, nos vemos en marzo!

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